Rounded Rectangle: MACHINING
Rounded Rectangle: MANUFACTURING
Rounded Rectangle: WELDING
Rounded Rectangle: 547 Suncook Valley Rd. / P.O.Box 489 / Alton , N.H. 03809-0489 USA
Rounded Rectangle: Tel. 603-875-6666  Fax. 603-875-6667

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Samples of our Hand Crafted Spiral Stairs

Brown maple handrails ,steps, and landings. Two levels. Loft access gate. Gloss black finish.

Ash handrails & steps.

 Extra tall. Loft access gate. Gloss white finish.

Molded steel handrail with twisted balusters. Diamond plate steps. Gloss Black.

Molded steel handrails. Two levels. Diamond plate in basement. Carpeted second level. Gloss black finish.

Rounded Rectangle:

Clockwise, White oak - - Counterclockwise, Red oak,

                 Handrails, steps, and landings.

           Red gloss - - - - - - - - - - - -Black gloss.

Molded steel handrail, twisted

balusters, curlicues, carpeted

steps.  Gloss white finish.

A variety of woods can be used for landings,

steps and handrails, to match flooring or trim.

Molded, Flat bar, or Round tube, steel hand-

rails, & Straight, Twisted, or Round balusters,

& Flat smooth, or Diamond plate steps, and

landing, are welded to a 4” Diameter heavy

wall column, ground clean, sanded, primed and painted with industrial satin or gloss.

  Thru floor, and loft transitions can be round,  square, or octagonal, with  surround  railings and  landings to match staircase. Standard or custom designs can be added to suite taste.

Molded steel handrail, twisted

balusters & curlicues. Red oak

loft handrail, steps, & landing.

Gloss black finish.

  Outdoor staircases allow freedom

to build taller, larger, and with more

complex mountings. Rugged, welded

construction, whether decorative or

open bar grating types, serve as both

 an additional egress, and solid fire

 escape. Double primed, and top-

 -coated with gloss epoxy paints.

  Molded steel handrail, round balusters, with clear

              pine treads. Painted gloss white.

 Staircase has molded steel

 handrails, twisted alternate

balusters, diamond plate steps

and landing. Gloss black finish.

 Comfortable easy access

 from the second level to

 the third level bedroom.

Special extended landing

 with taller oak handrails,

and oak treads. Deep blue

           satin finish.

 Extra wide, native oak

handrail . Carpeted steps,

and landing. Gloss white.

 Native oak handrail with

diamond plate steps, and

   landing. Gloss black

Native oak treads, landing.

  Pine treads and landing.

     Gloss black finishes.